Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Book Month with #30days30authors! In hon­or of the 90th anniver­sary of Fan­ny Gold­stein’s trib­ute to Jew­ish books in the West End’s branch of the Boston Pub­lic Library, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil invit­ed 30 lead­ing authors, one for each day of the month, to answer a few ques­tions.

Ani­ta Dia­mant is the Boston-based author of 12books, includ­ing The Boston Girl, a New York Times best­seller, and The Red Tent,which has been pub­lished in 25 countries.Her oth­er nov­els include Good Har­bor, The Last Days of Dog­town and Day After Night. She has writ­ten six guides to con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish life includ­ing The­New Jew­ish Wed­ding and Choos­ing a Jew­ish Life. Her fea­ture sto­ries and essayshave appeared in such pub­li­ca­tions as The Boston Globe, and Real Sim­ple. She is the­found­ing pres­i­dent of Mayy­im Hayy­im Liv­ing Waters Com­mu­ni­ty Mikveh and­E­d­u­ca­tion Cen­ter in New­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, an inclu­sive and expan­sive 21st cen­tu­ryrein­ven­tion of the ancient Jew­ish rit­u­al of immer­sion.