Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Book Month with #30days30authors! In hon­or of the 90th anniver­sary of Fan­ny Gold­stein’s trib­ute to Jew­ish books in the West End’s branch of the Boston Pub­lic Library, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil invit­ed 30 lead­ing authors, one for each day of the month, to answer a few ques­tions.

Plus, Tova shares the first nov­el that she fell in love with.

Tova Mirvis is the author of three nov­els, Vis­i­ble City, The Out­side World and The Ladies Aux­il­iary, which was a nation­al best­seller. Her essays have appeared in var­i­ous antholo­gies and news­pa­pers includ­ing The New York Times, The Boston Globe Mag­a­zine, Com­men­tary, Good House­keep­ing, and Poets and Writ­ers, and her fic­tion has been broad­cast on Nation­al Pub­lic Radio. She has been a Schol­ar in Res­i­dence at the Hadas­sah-Bran­deis Insti­tute at Bran­deis Uni­ver­si­ty, and Vis­it­ing Schol­ar at The Bran­deis Women’s Stud­ies Research Cen­ter. She lives in New­ton, MA with her three children.

Tova Mirvis is the author of the mem­oir The Book of Sep­a­ra­tion as well as four nov­els, We Would Nev­er, Vis­i­ble City, The Out­side World, and The Ladies Aux­il­iary, which was a nation­al best­seller. Her essays have appeared in var­i­ous news­pa­pers includ­ing The New York Times Book Review, The Boston Globe Mag­a­zine, and Poets and Writ­ers, and her fic­tion has been broad­cast on NPR. She lives in New­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, with her fam­i­ly. You can con­nect with her on her web­site, TovaMirvis​.com.