Yes­ter­day, Avrom Honig shared a behind the scenes look at the pho­to­shoot for Feed Me Bubbe. He will be blog­ging all week for the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and MyJew­ish­Learn­ings Author Blog.

If you want to know more about Feed Me Bubbe and an intro­duc­tion to how we got start­ed then be sure to check out Part 1. For those just join­ing us, we cre­at­ed a book based upon our hit online and tele­vised cook­ing show because our audi­ence real­ly want­ed it. Of course before I knew it we had an agent, a pub­lish­er, and found myself head­ing to New York City to rep­re­sent our new book.

The name of the orga­ni­za­tion was the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and I would be pre­sent­ing a two minute speech to rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Jew­ish Book Net­work. To some­one that was not used to speak­ing in front of a crowd this could be a huge under­tak­ing. In fact they even told us that the on deck chair was nick­named the sigh chair, or the deep breath chair. The rea­son for this is because every­one gives a big breath before they go up on stage, per­haps a sign of nervousness.

In my case I had noth­ing to be ner­vous over and just pre­tend­ed that I was stand­ing in front of the cam­era or friends just talk­ing nor­mal­ly. It real­ly was a change of pace for me look­ing at such a large crowd but, I didn’t mind and adjust­ed my micro­phone and just went for it.

Of course I had a good meal before the pre­sen­ta­tion over at a restau­rant in New York City called Noi Due which I was told is pro­nounced as NOYDUE – E. What impressed me about the place is every­thing was so light and yet fill­ing. For a kosher estab­lish­ment it was incred­i­ble. You would nev­er believe walk­ing in that it was actu­al­ly a kosher restau­rant from the menu, the decor, and even the cus­tomers. It just looked like any oth­er amaz­ing restau­rant locat­ed in New York.

What made this place even more amaz­ing is that it was a dairy restau­rant. Usu­al­ly in New York I go to meat restau­rants mak­ing sure I have food that is fill­ing and sat­is­fy­ing but I have to say Noi Due is the excep­tion to the rule. The wait­er rec­om­mend­ed a deli­cious cake which looked so heavy and yet was light and went down very eas­i­ly. In fact it looked so incred­i­ble here is a picture:

Next time, I have a spe­cial guest for you that you are sure to love.

Check back all week for more posts from Avrom Honig, co-author (with his bubbe) of Feed Me Bubbe.