Ear­li­er this week, Avrom Honig shared a behind-the-scenes look at the pho­to­shoot for Feed Me Bubbe, and talked about com­ing to the Big City. He will be blog­ging all week for the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and MyJew­ish­Learn­ings Vis­it­ing Scribe.

Hope you’ve enjoyed parts one and two, and now, this time, I have a spe­cial guest for all of you. We got one of the big unknown stars of our show, Zadie. Zadie” is the Yid­dish word for grand­fa­ther.” Zadie plays a huge roll on the show mak­ing sure to keep every­one in line.

Any good pro­duc­tion is all about hav­ing a behind-the-scenes team that real­ly makes sure that every­thing is per­fect. There are times that we are shoot­ing videos where Zadie stops us before we even record because a phone may need to be tak­en off the hook, or per­haps an item is in the kitchen needs to be adjust­ed because it just doesn’t look right.

There are many times when dur­ing the process of mak­ing the book where Zadie looked over every­thing mul­ti­ple times to make sure the pages were in the right order and that noth­ing was miss­ing. In fact there were sec­tions of the book that we knew we want­ed to be in the book but if it was not for Zadie remind­ing us we prob­a­bly would have nev­er had it in the book. This includes menus, cook­ing terms, and even Bubbe’s favorite Yid­dish songs which can all be found in the back of the book.

We have one more post com­ing up, and of course anoth­er spe­cial guest.

Just wait and see, this is a spe­cial one!

Avrom Honig and Bubbe’s new book, Feed Me Bubbe!, is now avail­able. Come back all week to read his posts for MyJew­ish­Learn­ing and the Jew­ish Book Council.