
A Bless­ing on the Moon

  • From the Publisher
November 26, 2012

Joseph Skibell’s mag­i­cal tale about the Holo­caust — a fable inspired by fact — received unan­i­mous nation­wide acclaim when first pub­lished in 1997.

At the cen­ter of A Bless­ing on the Moon is Chaim Ski­bel­s­ki. Death is mere­ly the begin­ning of Chaim’s trou­bles. In the open­ing pages, he is shot along with the oth­er Jews of his small Pol­ish vil­lage. But instead of rest­ing peace­ful­ly in the World to Come, Chaim, for rea­sons unclear to him, is left to wan­der the earth, accom­pa­nied by his rab­bi, who has tak­en the form of a talk­ing crow. Chaim’s after­life jour­ney is filled with extra­or­di­nary encoun­ters whose con­se­quences are far greater than he realizes.

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