
A Code of Jew­ish Ethics: Vol­ume I — You Shall Be Holy

  • Review
By – October 18, 2011
While each of us has the abil­i­ty to trans­form our­selves and there­by the world through small acts of moral behav­ior, we nonethe­less need bold moral thinkers and advo­cates will­ing to place the big pic­ture on our agen­das. In cre­at­ing this, the first of a mul­ti-vol­ume com­pendi­um, Rab­bi Joseph Telushkin — pro­lif­ic author, spir­i­tu­al leader, schol­ar and cham­pi­on of a broad vision of Klal Yis­rael—has giv­en us a won­der­ful gift. Com­bin­ing a wide range of Jew­ish texts, prac­ti­cal sto­ries, and pop-psy­chol­o­gy” sug­ges­tions, he has placed before us, a guide that will bear read­ing and reread­ing. Telushkin’s first vol­ume cov­ers issues such as: build­ing char­ac­ter; good man­ners and civil­i­ty; humil­i­ty; anger; truth, lies and per­mit­ted lies; and act­ing as an ambas­sador of God, to name but a few.

I strong­ly urge read­ers, and rab­bis and oth­er edu­ca­tors in par­tic­u­lar, to take advan­tage of the web­site that the pub­lish­er has devel­oped — www​.acode​of​jew​ishethics​.com. Extra­or­di­nar­i­ly use­ful study guides with superb, thought-pro­vok­ing ques­tions asso­ci­at­ed with each chap­ter are avail­able as down­load­able PDF files. A sug­ges­tion to the pub­lish­er: Add to this web­site a search­able data­base with key terms from the book, which would enable the book to be trans­formed into a high­ly user-friend­ly online prod­uct as well for those of us seek­ing just the right ref­er­ence, sto­ry or thought for lec­tures, ser­mons, arti­cles and oth­er occasions.

Read Vol­ume Two

William Liss-Levin­son is vice pres­i­dent, chief strat­e­gy & oper­a­tions offi­cer of Cas­tle Con­nol­ly Med­ical Ltd., a con­sumer health research, infor­ma­tion, and pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny. He holds a Ph.D. in edu­ca­tion and is a mem­ber of the board of direc­tors of the Jew­ish Book Council.

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