
Always a Brides­maid (for Hire)

  • From the Publisher
February 13, 2017

After mov­ing to New York City in her mid-twen­ties to pur­sue her dream of writ­ing — and not liv­ing on the Upper East Side” of her par­ents’ house any­more — Jen Glantz looked for­ward to a future of hap­py hours and Sun­day brunch­es with her besties.

What she got instead were a string of phone calls that began with, Jen, I have some­thing excit­ing to tell you!” and end­ed with, I’d be hon­ored if you would be my brides­maid.” At first she was delight­ed, but it wasn’t long before she real­ized two things: all of her assets were tied up in brides­maid dress­es, and she her­self was no clos­er to find­ing The One. She could­n’t do much about the sec­ond thing (though her moth­er would beg to dif­fer), but she could about the first.

One (slight­ly tip­sy) night, Jen post­ed an ad on Craigslist adver­tis­ing her ser­vices as a pro­fes­sion­al brides­maid. When she woke up the next morn­ing, it had gone viral. What began as a half-joke sud­den­ly turned into a life­time of adven­ture for Jen – and more insight into the mean­ing of love than she was get­ting from OKCu­pid — as she walked down the aisle at stranger after stranger’s wedding.

Fresh, fun­ny, and sur­pris­ing­ly sweet, Always a Brides­maid (For Hire) is an enter­tain­ing reminder that even if you don’t have every­thing togeth­er, you can still be a total boss — or, at the very least, a BFF to anoth­er girl in need.

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