
Among the Fallen

N. S. Dolkart
  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2017

In wake of the bat­tle of Silent Hall, the city of Ardis is reel­ing, its lead­ers fright­ened and dis­or­ga­nized. The remain­ing ora­cle of the god Raven­nis has resur­faced there and is spread­ing a new gospel – one in which Raven­nis is the new Lord of the Under­world. Narky is swept up in the pro­mo­tion of his reli­gion, even while the pre­vail­ing church of Magor tries to put down its upstart rivals.

In the mean­time, Criton and Ban­du dis­cov­er a com­mu­ni­ty of Drag­on Touched that has sur­vived in hid­ing, and with Criton’s lead­er­ship, they begin a cam­paign to retake their for­mer ter­ri­to­ries with the pow­er of God Most High at their backs.

Left to their own devices, Phae­dra and Hunter go on a quest to redis­cov­er the secrets of aca­d­e­m­ic wiz­ardry. But they soon dis­cov­er that all five islanders are need­ed to pre­vent a true world­wide cat­a­stro­phe. If only Criton and Narky weren’t already on oppos­ing sides of a region­al war… 

Vis­it­ing Scribe: Noah Beit-Aharon

The Bib­li­cal Inspi­ra­tions for My Fan­ta­sy Series

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Discussion Questions