
Bagels from Benny

Aubrey Davis; Dusan Petri­cic, illus.
  • From the Publisher
October 6, 2011

A lit­tle boy named Benny’s efforts to thank God for the deli­cious bagels his grand­fa­ther bakes are illu­mi­nat­ed by delight­ful illus­tra­tions that sug­gest the col­or and shape of bagels. Based on a tra­di­tion­al Jew­ish tale known as Chal­lahs in the Ark,” this award win­ning sto­ry epit­o­mizes val­ues such as grat­i­tude, char­i­ty, and repair­ing the world. 

Read­ing Guide

» Down­load the Bagels from Ben­ny Read­ing Guide from PJ Library.

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