In my youth, the work of the chevra kaddisha (burial society) was rarely mentioned publicly. The preparation of bodies for burial was largely the domain of a small group of pious individuals working almost in secret. Thankfully, over the years, knowledge of the chevra kaddisha as well as the range of individuals involved in this holy work has spread. Now in its third edition, this book introduces the traditional practice of taharah (ritual purification). While remaining faithful to traditional practice, the authors open the doors to participation in this mitzvah to all segments of the Jewish community. Included in this work are practical guides to performing a taharah, the philosophical background to the practice, and prayers and readings to be incorporated into the taharah. Whether you are a novice or a veteran of the chevra kaddisha, this book will give you new insights into the performance of this mitzvah.

Chesed Shel Emet: The Truest Act of Kindness, Exploring the Meaning of Taharah
- Review
– June 27, 2013
Rabbi Arnold D. Samlan is a Jewish educator and rabbi living in Miami, Florida. He serves as executive director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County.
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