On the eve of the 150th anniversary of its publication, War and Peace is considered by many to be the greatest novel ever written. It is also one of the most challenging (and feared) texts, coming in at 1,500 pages, 365 chapters, and 566,000 words. What it is not, however, is outdated: in Give War and Peace a Chance, Kaufman argues that the lessons taught in Tolstoy’s epic — a book about people trying to create a meaningful life for themselves in a country torn apart by revolution, social change, and spiritual confusion — are lessons that remain relevant in today’s world. Touching on topics from courage to romance to parenting to death, Kaufman shows how Tolstoy’s wisdom can reframe modern readers’ very understanding of what it means to be alive in troubled times, and to survive them.

Give War and Peace a Chance: Tolstoyan Wisdom for Troubled Times
- From the Publisher
May 22, 2014
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