
Liv­ing Beyond Ter­ror­ism: Israeli Sto­ries of Hope and Healing

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

No one can for­get the dev­as­tat­ing after­math of a sui­cide bomber det­o­nat­ing a crowd­ed bus. But what hap­pens to the sur­vivors of such indis­crim­i­nate and hor­rif­ic attacks? Many are able to grow and thrive, as described in Liv­ing Beyond Ter­ror­ism. This book shares com­pelling sto­ries of hope and heal­ing, as told by ordi­nary peo­ple who sud­den­ly became the inno­cent vic­tims of ter­ror­ist attacks in Israel, pri­mar­i­ly between 2000 and 2006. Forty-eight sur­vivors and rel­a­tives of sur­vivors and vic­tims dis­cuss their remark­able life jour­neys — from ter­ror­ism to hope and opti­mism and from grief to mean­ing and heal­ing — not just mov­ing on with life as usu­al, but mov­ing for­ward with new pur­pose, con­tribut­ing to soci­ety, and turn­ing tragedy into action. They bear wit­ness to their expe­ri­ences to make sense of them as best as they can, and to help oth­ers. The pow­er­ful sto­ries in Liv­ing Beyond Ter­ror­ism are tes­ti­mo­ny to their inner strength and deter­mi­na­tion, a vic­to­ry of the human spir­it, and inspire each of us as we meet the chal­lenges in our own lives.

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