Rabbi Nathan Laufer explores the seven major Jewish holidays (Passover, Shavuot, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Shabbat) through their divine revelations in the desert. For Laufer, each of the original encounters with God, as described in the Bible, contain the deepest secrets of the Jewish people’s existence and collective purpose.
Through a careful reading of each of the Torah readings related to the holidays, Rendezvous with God shows how reliving the holidays — through their respective customs, prayers, rituals, and Torah readings — impacts Judaism’s ethics, rituals, and liturgy throughout the year and inspires us to emulate God’s just ways in our daily lives. With the insights of a seasoned educator and community leader, Rabbi Laufer highlights how the Jewish holidays serve as the central vehicle to keep the Jewish narrative alive and vibrant year after year.