

  • From the Publisher
January 7, 2016

Hen­ry Weg­land, a for­mer African Nation­al Con­gress activist now liv­ing in New York with his son, Glenn, and his daugh­ter-in-law encour­ages his grand­son, Saul, to trav­el to South Africa and make a doc­u­men­tary about the peo­ple involved in the coun­try’s liberation.

Saul begins to unrav­el the dark secrets of his grand­fa­ther s past and the shock­ing events that led to his escape from South Africa when he, Saul, is kid­napped in a rur­al town­ship. At the same time, Hen­ry, now in his twi­light years, must come to terms with Glenn and their strained rela­tion­ship, mak­ing peace with the choice he once made for the two of them.

Span­ning past and present, South Africa and New York, the inter­lock­ing nar­ra­tives of Reper­cus­sions are a spell­bind­ing por­tray­al of exile, the mean­ing of home, and how one man s attempt to lib­er­ate his coun­try changed the lives of his fam­i­ly for generations.

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