
The Dead Man

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

The Dead Man tells the sto­ry of Eve, who is both a com­pos­er of Jew­ish sacred music and a music ther­a­pist, and who is obsessed. For some rea­son, this sen­si­ble, intel­li­gent, mid­dle-aged fem­i­nist can­not recov­er from a brief rela­tion­ship she had five years ago with a world-famous music crit­ic named Jake. This obses­sion is a mys­tery to Eve’s friends, and also to her. To try and resolve this, Eve returns to Israel, where she and Jake first fell in love, and where he still lives. In Jerusalem she revis­its all their old haunts, while also attend­ing a music ther­a­py sem­i­nar and a Jew­ish music con­fer­ence, and grad­u­al­ly the dark secret behind this com­plex rela­tion­ship begins to unrav­el. Eve dis­cov­ers the for­got­ten child­hood mem­o­ries, loss­es, and desires that under­pinned her rela­tion­ship with Jake, and now she is able to final­ly com­plete her unfin­ished com­po­si­tion and leave her obses­sion behind. The Dead Man is a beau­ti­ful nov­el about love, loss, sex­ism, the cre­ative process, and the pow­er of music to trans­form our lives.

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