
The For­ev­er Summer

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Marin Bish­op has always played by the rules and it’s paid off: on the cusp of thir­ty, she has a hand­some fiance, a pres­ti­gious Man­hat­tan legal career, and her father’s hard-won admi­ra­tion. But after one care­less mis­take at work Marin sud­den­ly finds her­self unem­ployed and alone. Before she can sum­mon the courage to tell her par­ents, a young woman appears, claim­ing to be Mar­in’s half-sis­ter. Seek­ing answers, Marin agrees to join her on a soul-search­ing jour­ney to Cape Cod to meet the fam­i­ly she did­n’t know she had. As the sum­mer unfolds at her grand­moth­er’s beach­side B&B it becomes clear that her half-sis­ter’s exis­tence is just the first in a series of truths that will shake Mar­in’s beliefs — in love and in her own iden­ti­ty — to the core. Filled with shock­ing rev­e­la­tions, heart­felt romance, and the resilient women band­ing togeth­er against the most unex­pect­ed twists of fate, The For­ev­er Sum­mer is an emo­tion­al­ly res­o­nant page-turn­er and a deli­cious escape for any season.

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