
The Mar­ket Wedding

Cary Fagan; Rego­lo Ric­ci, illus.
  • Review
March 30, 2015

Based on an old Yid­dish tale, The Mar­ket Wed­ding tells the sto­ry of Mor­ris the fish­mon­ger and Min­nie the hat sell­er. They sell their wares from near­by mar­ket stalls and fall in love when their eyes meet one day over a shared laugh. Of course, con­cludes the love-struck Mor­ris, noth­ing but the finest, fan­ci­est wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion will do for his Min­nie. So, they can’t afford it. Mor­ris rea­sons that if he spends all his mon­ey on a lav­ish wed­ding, the neigh­bors they’ve invit­ed will be so impressed that they’ll show­er the bride and groom with only the most mag­nif­i­cent gifts. To Min­nie, the plan smells fishy. She’s right; the guests are so intim­i­dat­ed that they don’t even show up. Luck­ily, when the new­ly mar­ried pair trudge sad­ly home to their emp­ty (no mon­ey, remem­ber?!) apart­ment, all their friends are wait­ing. Before long, the apart­ment is filled with love and laugh­ter, as well as neigh­bor­ly con­tri­bu­tions of food, drink, music, and fur­nish­ings. This is a love­ly, old-fash­ioned sto­ry, rich­ly and evocative­ly illus­trat­ed, that hon­ors what is real­ly pre­cious in life: friend­ship, love, and — well, liv­ing with­in one’s means. 

Now reis­sued, this was a Syd­ney Tay­lor Hon­or Book. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 7 – 10.

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