Visu­al Arts

101 Trea­sures from the Nation­al Library of Israel

  • From the Publisher
February 20, 2023

This fas­ci­nat­ing new vol­ume pro­vides a the­mat­ic jour­ney through the rich and diverse col­lec­tions of the Nation­al Library of Israel and the Jew­ish peo­ple world­wide. Pub­lished to cel­e­brate the autumn 2023 open­ing of the new NLI build­ing in Jerusalem, designed by world-renowned archi­tects Her­zog & de Meu­ron, the book is full of fas­ci­nat­ing insights and man­u­scripts. It is akin to a great­est-hits col­lec­tion from the Jew­ish world over the past 1,500 years.” ―Jew­ish Link

This fas­ci­nat­ing and inspi­ra­tional new vol­ume pro­vides a the­mat­ic jour­ney through the rich and diverse col­lec­tions of the Nation­al Library of Israel and the Jew­ish peo­ple world­wide. Select­ed by the Library’s cura­tors and col­lec­tions experts, this fine-art vol­ume presents 101 of the most pre­cious items in the Library’s col­lec­tions, from 5th cen­tu­ry Baby­lo­nia to mod­ern-day Tel Aviv, and shares illu­mi­nat­ing sto­ries and anec­dotes about these sig­nif­i­cant works and the intrigu­ing peo­ple behind them. High­lights include Mai­monides’ auto­graph copy of his Com­men­tary on the Mish­na; the Dam­as­cus Crowns includ­ing a vital­ly impor­tant 10th cen­tu­ry Hebrew Bible codex; the­o­log­i­cal rumi­na­tions of Isaac New­ton; love poet­ry by Sul­tan Suleiman the Mag­nif­i­cent; man­u­scripts from lead­ing Jew­ish and Israeli writ­ers, such as Mar­tin Buber, Ste­fan Zweig, Franz Kaf­ka, Nao­mi She­mer, and Shai Agnon; and rare mate­ri­als doc­u­ment­ing Israeli his­to­ry. High-qual­i­ty pho­tographs illus­trate the sto­ries, and the intro­duc­tion sets these col­lec­tions with­in their cul­tur­al and his­tor­i­cal context.

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