
90 Lessons for Liv­ing Large in 90 Square Feet (…or more)

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Histap­kut bamu­at, being con­tent with less, is con­sid­ered a virtue in Jew­ish law. Liv­ing in 90 square feet, Felice Cohen would say that makes her pret­ty vir­tu­ous. 90 Lessons for Liv­ing Large in 90 Square Feet (…or more) is an inspi­ra­tional self-help book that shows how liv­ing small for five years made her life big. It also offers lessons to help oth­ers down­size, orga­nize, and real­ize the life they want to live, in what­ev­er size space they choose.

Felice moved into that tiny Man­hat­tan stu­dio for one rea­son: to quit her full-time job and fin­ish writ­ing her first book, a mem­oir about her grand­fa­ther, a Holo­caust sur­vivor. But then strangers from around the world began to ask for her advice on declut­ter­ing, prais­ing her phi­los­o­phy about liv­ing large in a small space and even hir­ing her to orga­nize their homes. Peo­ple today want expe­ri­ences over stuff. Here is a €want-to€ guide for mak­ing that life possible.

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