
A Bless­ing, Not a Bur­den: My My Par­en­t’s Remark­able Holo­caust Sto­ry and My Fight to Keep Their Lega­cy Alive

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In an era where anti­semitism is on the rise, A Bless­ing Not a Bur­den takes the read­er back to one of the most hor­rif­ic peri­ods in human his­to­ry. By chron­i­cling the lives of his 2 par­ents who nar­row­ly escaped death dur­ing the Holo­caust, this book is also a reminder that the human spir­it can over­come even the dark­est of cir­cum­stances. 

Some would argue that Dr. Alex Kor’s life has been a mir­a­cle. Alex grew up in Indi­ana — a state with Mid­west­ern charm and an igno­min­ious his­to­ry of prej­u­dice. In A Bless­ing Not a Bur­den, Alex details his incred­i­ble life jour­ney, from his unique upbring­ing to his present-day mis­sion of car­ry­ing on his par­ents’ inspir­ing lega­cy. From his mother’s exam­ple of for­give­ness to his father’s unbri­dled opti­mism, Alex shares life lessons that helped him over­come his own hard­ships includ­ing his bat­tle with can­cer in his 20s. He’s trav­eled a long and wind­ing road, from Terre Haute, Indi­ana to Auschwitz and many places in between, and like his par­ents, he has endured…and survived.

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