
A Drag­on for Hanukkah

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Just in time for the hol­i­day sea­son, New York Times–best­selling author Sarah Mly­nows­ki makes her daz­zling pic­ture-book debut with this warm-heart­ed, mag­i­cal, fun­ny, and inven­tive sto­ry that cel­e­brates Hanukkah and the pow­er of a child’s imag­i­na­tion, with rich, vivid art by Ariel Landy. 

Come cel­e­brate the Fes­ti­val of Lights with Han­nah as she receives eight mag­i­cal presents — one for each night. There’s a play­ful drag­on, a gleam­ing trea­sure chest, some row­dy uni­corns … and more. But are the gifts what they seem to be? When Han­nah gath­ers with fam­i­ly and friends to light the meno­rah, she’ll dis­cov­er the true mag­ic of Hanukkah.

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