
A Year to Remember

  • From the Publisher
April 16, 2012
When her younger broth­er mar­ries on her twen­ty-ninth birth­day, food addict Sara Fried­man drunk­en­ly vows to three hun­dred wed­ding guests to find and mar­ry her besh­ert with­in the year. After her humil­i­at­ing toast becomes a YouTube sen­sa­tion, she per­mits a nation­al morn­ing show to chron­i­cle her search. With the help of best friend Mis­sy, she plunges head first into the shal­low end of the dat­ing pool.

Her jour­ney leads her to ques­tion the true mean­ing of soul mates, as she decides between ful­fill­ing her vow to mar­ry before her thir­ti­eth birth­day and fol­low­ing her heart’s desire. But before she can make the biggest deci­sion of her life, Sara must begin to take her first steps towards recov­ery from her addic­tion to food.

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