
Alef-Bet Yoga for Kids

Ruth and Bill Goldeen
  • Review
By – January 9, 2012
Alef-Bet Yoga for Kids is exact­ly what you’d expect it to be. The author uses an adorable group of young chil­dren, each posed in a yoga posi­tion (or a mod­i­fied posi­tion), to rep­re­sent the let­ters from Alef to Tav. One Hebrew let­ter is pre­sent­ed on each page by its name and a small ver­sion of the let­ter. A child is posed in a cor­re­spond­ing yoga posi­tion front of a large sil­hou­ette of the let­ter. These bright­ly col­ored pho­to­graph­ic pos­es will be easy for chil­dren to emu­late, and sim­ple for any teacher to use with stu­dents to kines­thet­i­cal­ly rein­force the shapes of the Alef-Bet. Includ­ed at the back of the book are two pages con­tain­ing all of the let­ters and their pos­es. Fol­low­ing that is a twopage glos­sary with an expla­na­tion of each pose and how it helps strength­en and/​or stretch parts of a child’s body. What a won­der­ful, kines­thet­ic and healthy way to rein­force the Alef-Bet! Ages 4 – 8.

Mar­cia Ber­neger is a retired teacher who lives with her hus­band and three crazy dogs. She taught both first and sec­ond grade, as well as spe­cial edu­ca­tion. She cur­rent­ly teach­es Torah school, in addi­tion to her vol­un­teer work in class­rooms, libraries, and with var­i­ous fundrais­ers. She lives in San Diego.

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