
An Affair of Spies: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

While attend­ing an evening course at Colum­bia in 1941, Nathan Sil­ver­man, born in Berlin who fled after his uncle is arrest­ed on Kristall­nacht, notices a recruit­ment poster on a uni­ver­si­ty wall and decides to enlist in the mil­i­tary and help fight the Nazi regime. To his sur­prise, he is quick­ly select­ed for a spe­cial assign­ment; the Allies are rac­ing to devel­op a nuclear weapon before the Nazis, and a Ger­man the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist is hop­ing to defect. The physi­cist was a friend of his father’s, and Nathan’s mis­sion is to return to Berlin via France and smug­gle him out of Europe.

Nathan will be accom­pa­nied by Dr. Alli­son Fish­er, a bril­liant young sci­en­tist who can speak French. As their rela­tion­ship deep­ens they move ever clos­er to their dan­ger­ous goal. Will they be able to escape Europe with the defec­tor and start a new life togeth­er, or will they fail their mis­sion and become two more casu­al­ties of war?

An Affair of Spies is an action-packed tale of hero­ism and love in the face of unspeak­able evil.

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