
An Epiphany in Lilacs

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

An Epiphany in Lilacs is a nov­el set in a DP camp out­side Ham­burg, Ger­many fol­low­ing the end of World War II. After lib­er­a­tion in May 1945 Daniel a 14-year-old Lat­vian Jew is treat­ed in a field hos­pi­tal in the British zone of par­ti­tioned Ger­many. A sur­vivor of var­i­ous con­cen­tra­tion camps, Daniel fights to recov­er from star­va­tion and dis­ease. Through his love of nature and pre-war mem­o­ries Daniel strug­gles to find com­fort. He forms an intrigu­ing bond with an old­er Ger­man gen­tile anoth­er sur­vivor. Lat­er on, as he joins a the­ater troupe, Daniel tries to move on with his life yet still search­ing for the where­abouts of his moth­er and two sis­ters. The sto­ry is loose­ly based on the per­son­al expe­ri­ences of the authors’ father.

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