The author’s fascination with angels continues in this third book of stories about them that she has written for children. Like the other two, it is a collection of modern midrash — tales inspired not only by the Bible but also by Ginzberg’s Legends of the Bible, Luzzatto’s The Way of God, and works of Jewish mysticism. They are all embellished by Chaikin’s own fertile spiritual imagination. Envisioning a Heaven that vibrates with God’s holy presence and resounds with love and song, Chaikin populates it with angels of every sort whose purpose is to be active in the affairs of the world: Guardians, Messengers, Earth Walkers, Alphabet angels, Lawyers, Angels of Forgetfulness, and Scribes. All but one of the stories is about a particular class of angel and the jobs they do — or don’t want to do — on earth. The exception is a folktalelike story in which a poor woman and her daughter are visited by the Angel Goralnik (whose name is not explained) and given a magic stone that not only provides them with food but leads them to the barren city of Jerusalem, which they are then empowered to transform. Written in a style that is rich with both humor and fanciful imagery, each story is illustrated by one of Leonid Gore’s impressionistic paintings, similar to those that he created for Sue Alexander’s Behold the Trees (Scholastic, 2001). An author’s note about the stories, an introductory story that sets the stage, and an appended list of sources and references add context and credibility to a lovely collection. Recommended for ages 9 – 12.

Angel Secrets
- Review
– August 3, 2012
Linda R. Silver is a specialist in Jewish children’s literature. She is editor of the Association of Jewish Libraries’ Jewish Valuesfinder,, and author of Best Jewish Books for Children and Teens: A JPS Guide (The Jewish Publication Society, 2010) and The Jewish Values Finder: A Guide to Values in Jewish Children’s Literature (Neal-Schuman, 2008).
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