
Angels at the Gate: The Sto­ry of Lot’s Wife

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Based on his­tor­i­cal, Bib­li­cal, and archae­o­log­i­cal research, vis­its to the Mid­dle East, and a large mea­sure of cre­ativ­i­ty, Angels at the Gate is the sto­ry of Adi­ra, des­tined to become Lot’s wife, the unnamed Bib­li­cal fig­ure who turned into a pil­lar of salt as she fled the destruc­tion of Sodom. A daugh­ter of Abram’s tribe, Adi­ra is an impetu­ous young girl whose moth­er died in child­birth. Secret­ly raised as a boy in her father’s car­a­van and schooled in lan­guages and the art of nego­ti­a­tion, Adi­ra rejects the loom­ing changes of wom­an­hood that threat­en her nomadic life and independence.

But with the arrival of two mys­te­ri­ous strangers — North­men rumored to be holy or pos­si­bly even Angels — Adi­ra’s world unrav­els. Raiders invade the car­a­van, and she los­es every­thing she val­ues most — her father, her free­dom, and even the Angels.

Caught between her oath to her father to return to her tribe and the prop­er life” for a woman, and tor­ment­ed by an impos­si­ble love, Adi­ra aban­dons all she has known in a dan­ger­ous quest to seek revenge and find her kid­napped Angel. With only her beloved dog, Nami, at her side, Adi­ra must use the skills she leaned in the car­a­van to sur­vive the per­ils of the desert, Sodom, and her own heart.

Angels at the Gate is a sto­ry of adven­ture and the pow­er of love, explor­ing themes about choice, the impor­tance of ask­ing the right ques­tions, and walk­ing the fine edge between duty and per­son­al freedom.

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