
Angels in Dallas

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Sam Sil­ver is Jew­ish, but as a reporter with the Dal­las Morn­ing Post in the midst of the famed 1980s news­pa­per war he’s too busy work­ing and drink­ing — to care much about it. The late after­noon obit­u­ary he’s assigned on a Holo­caust sur­vivor seems routine…until he dis­cov­ers it’s mur­der and learns of a myth­ic Jew­ish book: the Sefer Raziel. Angels in Dal­las is not only Sil­ver’s search for the pow­er­ful eons-old tome but for him­self, too, the self he’s been run­ning from since his father desert­ed near­ly three decades ear­li­er. Quirky char­ac­ters, a com­pelling crime sto­ry, Texas his­to­ry, Nazi rem­nants, Jew­ish tra­di­tions, sin­is­ter plots, mys­te­ri­ous women, and more are involved, with a bis­sel Yid­dish.

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