
Artists Under Fire: The BDS War against Celebri­ties, Jews, and Israel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Hun­dreds of inter­na­tion­al enter­tain­ers sign up to per­form in Israel every year and near­ly all are besieged with calls to boy­cott the Jew­ish home­land in social and main­stream media. Each of these boy­cott cam­paigns spreads vicious lies about Israel to their hun­dreds of mil­lions of fans and traf­fics in anti­se­mit­ic lies stir­ring up Jew­hatred across the globe.

Behind it all is the Boy­cott, Divest­ment, and Sanc­tions (BDS) cam­paign, an anti­Jewish con­spir­a­cy net­work mas­querad­ing as a human rights move­ment. Enter­tain­ment indus­try insid­er, Lana Mel­man, puts BDS on tri­al and shares the sto­ries of artists, like Scar­lett Johans­son, Ali­cia Keys, Bon Jovi, Justin Tim­ber­lake, and The Rolling Stones, who are being used as pawns in this destruc­tive crusade.

In Artists Under Fire: The BDS War against Celebri­ties, Jews, and Israel, Mel­man pro­vides Israel sup­port­ers with an action plan to stand up to the cul­tur­al boy­cott cam­paign and will cause its fol­low­ers to ques­tion the motives of their lead­ers, the com­pa­ny they are keep­ing, and the con­se­quences of their actions.

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