
Bad News: How Woke Media Is Under­min­ing Democracy

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

Long before fake news” became the call­ing card of the right, Amer­i­cans had lost faith in their news media. But late­ly the feel­ing that some­thing is off has become impos­si­ble to ignore. Main­stream news is not just lib­er­al any­more; it’s woke. Today’s news­rooms are prop­a­gat­ing rad­i­cal ideas that were fringe as recent­ly as a decade ago, includ­ing anti-racism, inter­sec­tion­al­i­ty, open bor­ders, anti-Zion­ism, and crit­i­cal race the­o­ry. How – and why – did this hap­pen? In Bad News: How Woke Media Is Under­min­ing Democ­ra­cy, Batya Ungar-Sar­gon reveals how Amer­i­can jour­nal­ism under­went a sta­tus rev­o­lu­tion over the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, as jour­nal­ists shift­ed their focus away from the work­ing class and towards the con­cerns of their afflu­ent, high­ly edu­cat­ed peers. But the moral pan­ic around race, encour­aged by today’s elite news­rooms, does noth­ing but con­sol­i­date the pow­er of lib­er­al elites and pro­tect their own eco­nom­ic inter­ests. In the process, the media has aban­doned the work­ing class and under­mined Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy. Bad News explains how this hap­pened, why it hap­pened, and the dan­gers posed by this devel­op­ment if it con­tin­ues unchecked.

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