
Being Both: Embrac­ing Two Reli­gions in One Inter­faith Family

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

Susan Katz Miller grew up with a Jew­ish father and Chris­t­ian moth­er, and was raised in Reform Judaism. Now in an inter­faith mar­riage her­self, she is a leader in the grow­ing move­ment of fam­i­lies elect­ing to raise chil­dren with both reli­gions, rather than in one reli­gion or the oth­er (or with­out reli­gion). Miller draws on orig­i­nal sur­veys and inter­views with par­ents, stu­dents, teach­ers, rab­bis, and cler­gy, as well as on her own jour­ney, in chron­i­cling this grass­roots move­ment. Being Both is a book for cou­ples and fam­i­lies con­sid­er­ing this path­way. Miller offers inspi­ra­tion and reas­sur­ance for par­ents explor­ing the unique ben­e­fits and chal­lenges of dual-faith edu­ca­tion, and she rebuts many of the com­mon myths about rais­ing chil­dren with two faiths. For all sides of the dis­cus­sion over dual-faith fam­i­lies, Being Both presents insight into why more cou­ples are choos­ing to raise their chil­dren in both religions.

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