
Beyond Tex­ting: The Fine Art of Face to Face Communication

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

For teens who are expert at tex­ting, email­ing and Face­book­ing, when it comes to face-to-face inter­ac­tions, ask your­self if you have ever:

Bad­ly want­ed a job, but felt so ner­vous about what to say in the inter­view that you did­n’t apply?

Dis­agreed with a teacher, coach or par­ent, but lacked the con­fi­dence to get your point across?

Joined a sports team, hop­ing some­one would sit next to you and intro­duce you to the remain­ing team mem­bers — but felt uncer­tain about how to make this happen? 

Entered a par­ty hop­ing to have a good time, but end­ed up feel­ing embar­rassed as you stood all alone with no one talk to?

Beyond Tex­ting is designed to help teens boost their con­fi­dence, sur­vive AND thrive by offer­ing tools need­ed for suc­cess­ful social inter­ac­tions.. It will enhance a read­er’s abil­i­ty to engage in mean­ing­ful, every­day dia­logues, meet new peo­ple, make friends, and ulti­mate­ly feel more self-assured. 

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