
Born Under Fire: The Rais­ing of a Sabra

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Born Under Fire is a Young Adult His­tor­i­cal Nov­el that tells the sto­ry of a girl com­ing of age and her dri­ve to excel despite the dev­as­tat­ing effects of long-term war.

Born in Jerusalem under British rule in 1928, Shu­la grows up in a world in tur­moil as Hitler ris­es to pow­er and nations enter into war. Set in a land­scape of ancient stone ruins next to mod­ern Bauhaus archi­tec­ture, and desert scrub end­ing at new­ly ver­dant farm­lands, Shu­la grows into her inde­pen­dence as the State of Israel is born.

Based on my moth­er’s life, and his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments and events, Born Under Fire is also about the con­text sur­round­ing the found­ing of the State of Israel, as well as the hor­rors and dan­gers of grow­ing up in a con­flict zone.

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