
Both Sides Now: A True Sto­ry of Love, Loss, and Bold Living

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

When life hands you the unthink­able, you must find new ways to see. Such is the ground on which Nan­cy rebuilt her world after los­ing her hus­band to brain can­cer when their twins were mere tod­dlers. She was thir­ty-sev­en. Psalm 121: I will lift up mine eyes unto the moun­tains: From whence shall my help come?” car­ried Nan­cy, quite lit­er­al­ly from New York City to the Rocky Moun­tains of Col­orado, where she recast her life. Here she could trust that faith would allow her to frame the whole of her expe­ri­ence: life and death; health and ill­ness; joy and sad­ness; sure­ty and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty; past and present.

Faith, too — com­bined with bold liv­ing — gave her the courage to risk love again with a for­mer TV anchor who also hap­pened to be wid­owed with two children.

Both Sides Now cen­ters around the uni­ver­sal ques­tion: How is it that you hold life and death in the same moment? Some­times life real­ly is every­thing at once.

Discussion Questions