

  • From the Publisher
April 16, 2012
Every secret has a price.

Amy Beck­er’s moth­er holds a dark secret. In fact, her whole past is a secret. All Amy knows is that her moth­er came from Ger­many, and that her moth­er does­n’t love her. That icy voice. Those rigid rules of how to eat, dress, walk, talk, think. And no mat­ter what Amy does, no mat­ter how much she fol­lows the rules, she just can’t earn her moth­er’s love.

But every­thing changes that sum­mer of 1963, when 14-year-old Amy is sent to Camp Takawan­da for Girls. Takawan­da, where all the rules get bro­ken. Takawan­da, where mean girls prac­tice bul­ly­ing as if it were a sport. Takawan­da, where Amy’s cousin unveils the truth about what Amy’s moth­er lost on Kristall­nacht. Amy’s dis­cov­ery embold­ens her to open the Pan­do­ra’s box of her moth­er’s secrets, set­ting in motion a trag­ic event that changes Amy and her fam­i­ly for­ev­er.

Camp is a spell­bind­ing moth­er-daugh­ter sto­ry about Holo­caust guilt and the col­lat­er­al dam­age of fam­i­ly secrets. Although it is mar­ket­ed as a young adult nov­el (ages 13 and up), it is a com­pelling sto­ry for women of all ages, and the per­fect book for moth­ers and daugh­ters to share.

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