
Crooked Lines: A Sin­gle Mom’s Jew­ish Journey

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

When you part com­pa­ny with the life you’ve been liv­ing, how do you start a new one? Divorce, sin­gle par­ent­ing, acci­dents, mis­ad­ven­tures and unex­pect­ed­ly falling in love with some­one of a dif­fer­ent faith were all things Jen­na Zark nev­er thought would hap­pen to her. Yet, when her mar­riage to a Jew­ish cler­gy­man fell apart, she had to fig­ure out what she believed and whether she could raise her son Jew­ish­ly. The answer came not in straight lines but in crooked ones — lead­ing her to the peo­ple she was meant to meet. Offer­ing a front-row look at lit­tle-known Jew­ish hol­i­days and rit­u­als (and well-known ones too), Zark shares how past tra­di­tions helped her with present-day dilemmas.

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