
Dear Eliza

  • From the Publisher
December 12, 2023

Ten years after her mother’s death, Eliza Levinger nev­er imag­ined she’d hear from her again. But then The Let­ter arrived.

Eliza’s world broke apart when she was six­teen and her mom died of can­cer. Now, years lat­er, she has rebuilt her life to include a direc­tor-of-devel­op­ment job at a non­prof­it, a Man­hat­tan apart­ment, and an easy-on-the-eyes bed­room bud­dy — just the kind of no-strings rela­tion­ship she wants, even if it’s less than her best friend, Mo, thinks she deserves. But when Eliza’s dad dies unex­pect­ed­ly, her beloved aunt Claude arrives at the shi­va with a let­ter from her mom — to be opened only after her father’s death. Inside the let­ter? A bomb­shell.

Sud­den­ly, all of Eliza’s rela­tion­ships are upend­ed. Her broth­er is angry, her step­moth­er is threat­en­ing to dis­in­her­it her, and Mo — who has always been her rock — doesn’t seem to under­stand what she’s going through. But as Eliza strug­gles to cope with the shock­ing news, she finds an unex­pect­ed ally — her brother’s best friend, Josh — her high school crush, whom she’s tried hard to for­get. It’s not in Eliza’s nature to trust . . . but maybe it’s time for that to change. Per­fect for fans of Emi­ly Gif­fin, Kather­ine Cen­ter, and Jen­nifer Wein­er, Dear Eliza explores the mean­ing of fam­i­ly, the com­plex­i­ties of grief, and the beau­ty in find­ing your way again.

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