
Defend­ing Cain

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

Defend­ing Cain is a sus­pense­ful dream-court­room dra­ma that pro­pels our hero, Lar­ry Cohen, towards both a psy­cho­log­i­cal jour­ney with a ther­a­pist and a reli­gious explo­ration with a rab­bi. It is also a mod­ern retelling of the Cain & Abel para­ble, from Cain’s viewpoint.

Lar­ry Cohen needs to relax. Over­worked and sleep-deprived, recent­ly bro­ken up from his girl­friend, and dread­ing a land­mark birth­day, Lar­ry antic­i­pates enjoy­ing a three-week leave; a lit­tle R&R may be just what the doc­tor ordered.

Until the dreams start. Strange, intense dreams. Dreams in which Lar­ry finds him­self in his famil­iar Coun­ty Court, but this time on the wrong side of the aisle – a defense attor­ney on a hope­less case. For in this dream court he is rep­re­sent­ing the first and most obvi­ous­ly guilty mur­der­er in human his­to­ry – he is defend­ing Cain.

Are the dreams a man­i­fes­ta­tion of unre­solved psy­cho­log­i­cal issues or a con­fronta­tion with an unex­pect­ed spir­i­tu­al chal­lenge? Either way, the court case pro­gress­es each suc­ces­sive night, and Lar­ry must pre­pare his defense. Because Lar­ry does not like to lose. Ever.

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