
Dig­ging: Lift­ing the Mem­o­rable from With­in the Unthinkable

  • From the Publisher
January 13, 2014
An aging Uncle Mar­i­an is the only sur­viv­ing link to his family’s his­to­ry — the sto­ries of trag­ic loss and hero­ic sur­vival — that he and his sis­ter had refused to share with any­one through­out their life. Encour­aged by the author and dri­ven by an emerg­ing sense of respon­si­bil­i­ty to his sister’s name­sake and future gen­er­a­tions, Mar­i­an begins a dif­fi­cult jour­ney into the mem­o­ries of his child­hood in the War­saw Ghet­to and sub­se­quent sur­vival. As his expe­ri­ences unfold, he halt­ing­ly recalls how he man­aged to escape the Ghet­to and sur­vive, thanks to his coura­geous res­cuers. Out of his remem­brances, the author nur­tures not only the sto­ry of her husband’s fam­i­ly his­to­ry, but finds her­self immersed in an insis­tent desire to hon­or Marian’s res­cuers. Through her poignant and com­pelling nar­ra­tive, she revives her moth­er-in-law Elzbieta’s lega­cy of hope, car­ing, and laugh­ter for all of us to share. 

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