According to a Red Cross study done in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001, 60% of Americans indicated that, in the event of a disaster, they would turn first to a spiritual professional. Likewise the tragedy surrounding Hurricane Katrina put religious professionals in the forefront of responding to disaster (even as their institutions were, in many cases, destroyed). This collection of articles provides guidance and information to clergy, preparing them to respond to natural as well as human-made disasters that might confront them. Written by clergy and mental health professionals from a variety of faith traditions, the information helps clergy to plan, as well as to implement strategies for roles they may be called to play in disasters. The book includes copyright permitted pages that can be photocopied and used in reaching out to other clergy as well as in the direct work.

Disaster Spiritual Care: Practical Clergy Responses to Community, Regional and National Tragedy
- Review
– January 26, 2012
Rabbi Arnold D. Samlan is a Jewish educator and rabbi living in Miami, Florida. He serves as executive director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County.
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