
Dri­ving Social Change: How to Solve the World’s Tough­est Problems

Paul C. Light
  • From the Publisher
February 24, 2014

A rev­o­lu­tion­ary look at work­able strate­gies for pow­er­ful long-term social impact

As an onslaught of urgent prob­lems threat­ens the very fab­ric of the world’s social, eco­nom­ic, and polit­i­cal sys­tems, cre­at­ing change remains a dif­fi­cult task. With­out the full engage­ment of every pos­si­ble ally, break­through will remain well out of reach.

Dri­ving Social Change demands that we take a sec­ond look at the way we under­stand the change-mak­ing process and our role in it.

This land­mark vol­ume reveals:

  • The under­ly­ing assump­tions that sup­port our under­stand­ing of social entrepreneurship
  • Find­ings and rec­om­men­da­tions for steer­ing the con­ver­sa­tion on social breakthrough
  • >Three pow­er­ful, often neglect­ed dri­vers of social breakthrough
  • The nine stages of the social break­through cycle
  • Lessons learned from the suc­cess­ful break­throughs of the past

Mak­ing it clear that social impact involves more than the pow­er of a good idea, Dri­ving Social Change sets social entre­pre­neur­ship with­in the broad­er effort to address the urgent issues fac­ing our world. It argues that today’s bat­tle is not about the one best plan of action, but about cre­at­ing and har­ness­ing the ordi­nary hero­ism across soci­ety to cre­ate change so des­per­ate­ly needed.

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