
Ele­vat­ing Overman

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
This hilar­i­ous and painful nov­el of redemp­tion fol­lows the jour­ney of Ira Over­man, vet­er­an of mul­ti­ple botched careers and a sin­gu­lar­ly botched mar­riage, as he makes one last attempt to rise above the guilt, weak­ness, and self-hatred that have been hard-wired into his soul since birth. Through an unlike­ly side effect from an oth­er­wise rou­tine surgery, Over­man finds him­self revis­it­ing and con­fronting the uni­form­ly poor choic­es of his past, and mak­ing sense of a world he has nev­er known how to nego­ti­ate. The ex-New York­er and trans­plant­ed Ange­leno decides to bestow his new­found gifts from coast to coast, earn­ing hith­er­to unheard of respect from his son and daugh­ter, and the fero­cious envy of his best friend Jake. Ulti­mate­ly, Ele­vat­ing Over­man speaks to us about right­ing some of our wrongs, let­ting oth­ers go, and most impor­tant­ly, gain­ing a small yet sig­nif­i­cant insight into a life that matters. 

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