
Emo­tion­al Agility

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Emo­tion­al agili­ty is a four-step approach that allows every­one from busi­ness lead­ers to par­ents to nav­i­gate life’s twists and turns with self-accep­tance, clear-sight­ed­ness, and an open mind. In over twen­ty years of research, Susan David has found that, no mat­ter how intel­li­gent, resilient, or cre­ative peo­ple are, when they ignore how sit­u­a­tions or inter­ac­tions make them feel, they miss oppor­tu­ni­ties to gain insight. They get hooked by thoughts, emo­tions, and habits that pre­vent them from reach­ing their full poten­tial. Emo­tion­al­ly agile peo­ple expe­ri­ence the same stress­es and set­backs as any­one else, but they know how to adapt, align­ing their actions with their val­ues and mak­ing small changes that lead to a life of growth.

Draw­ing on her exten­sive pro­fes­sion­al research, inter­na­tion­al con­sult­ing work, and her own expe­ri­ences with hard­ship, David shows how any­one can become more emo­tion­al­ly agile and thrive in an uncer­tain world. Writ­ten with author­i­ty, wit, and empa­thy, Emo­tion­al Agili­ty will help you live your most suc­cess­ful life who­ev­er you are and what­ev­er you face.

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