
Extract­ed: Unmask­ing Ram­pant Anti­semitism in Amer­i­ca’s High­er Education

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

For a half cen­tu­ry, the author har­bored a deep and per­son­al­ly painful secret. Then, in Sep­tem­ber 2006, he was aston­ished to come face-to-face with doc­u­ments that strong­ly sug­gest­ed that he, and many oth­ers, had been failed out of Emory’s den­tal school because we were Jew­ish. Instant­ly, the author knew that he had to uncov­er the truth. The overt dis­crim­i­na­tion was dis­played in charts and graphs, but the names of the vic­tims were scrupu­lous­ly with­held. His chal­lenge was to put a face on each stu­dent and record their sto­ries of shame and humiliation. 

After five years of iden­ti­fy­ing and record­ing the for­mer stu­dents, the author pro­duced a doc­u­men­tary and pre­sent­ed it to Emory offi­cials. The sto­ries are heart-wrench­ing. Sev­en­ty-five and eighty-year-old men telling their tales with tears in their eyes, as their spous­es sat near­by com­fort­ing them. To her cred­it, Emory offered a pub­lic apol­o­gy, for the anti­se­mit­ic prac­tices at the den­tal school,” and that it has tak­en this long for those events to be prop­er­ly acknowl­edged.” At long last, the per­pe­tra­tor con­fessed and asked for­give­ness. The vic­tims were redeemed.

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