
Ezra Exposed

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

As enter­tain­ing as it is infor­ma­tive, Ezra Exposed pro­vides a vital mes­sage to mid­dle graders and their par­ents on how to nav­i­gate the per­ils of kids sex­ting today.

From renowned legal com­men­ta­tor and children’s advo­cate Amy E. Feld­man comes a fun­ny, heart­felt, and utter­ly authen­tic mid­dle grade debut about a ten­-year-­old boy’s scary awak­en­ing to the mean­ing and con­se­quences of sex­ting. With a voice that evokes the best of authors like Rebec­ca Stead and Gor­dan Kor­man, Ezra Exposed also offers a prac­ti­cal toolk­it for edu­ca­tors, fam­i­lies — and most impor­tant­ly, read­ers — about the law and legal rights in an ongo­ing age of tox­ic social media.

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