
Faith Unrav­els: A Rab­bi’s Strug­gle with Grief and God

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Every year, thou­sands of young peo­ple die, leav­ing in their wake cir­cles of griev­ing friends in need of sup­port. Many look to how rab­bis under­stand loss but Judaism lacks a defined mourn­ing process for non-fam­i­ly mem­bers. Faith Unrav­els speaks to the pro­found pain expe­ri­enced by a for­got­ten mourn­er, not by mak­ing an argu­ment about God or by offer­ing a recipe of rit­u­als, but by shar­ing the poignant sto­ry of a rab­bi’s faith lost and regained anew. May­im Bia­lik (Actor, The Big Bang The­o­ry”) writes in her fore­word, Rab­bi Grey­ber has done some­thing mag­nif­i­cent with the book you are hold­ing in your hands. He has shared of him­self, revealed in the most inti­mate way where loss can take you, and where it can’t. He has allowed us a peek inside a world of reli­gious obser­vance, beau­ty, and joy, and in doing so has laid bare the pro­fun­di­ty of Judaism. This book is not preachy or full of instruc­tions. It’s a per­son­al tes­ta­ment of love for the Jew­ish peo­ple, God, and those friends he loved and lost.” 

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