Jews enjoy eating! Surrounded by ever-expanding food portions that we’ve been led to believe are normal, no wonder it’s so easy to pack on the pounds. We eat oversize portions gain weight and try the latest fad diet which leaves us confused. In her book, Dr. Lisa Young sets Jewish dieters straight. She shows you how to permanently shed pounds by right-sizing your portions, without eliminating entire food groups or staring at an empty plate. She explains the importance of a whole foods diet for health, and how clever marketing claims may be secretly sabotaging your weight-loss efforts. You’ll learn useful strategies for dining out, enjoying simchas, and indulging in a favorite treat without tipping the scale. Because weight loss is about more than food, Dr. Young addresses the whole person — mind-set, environment, habits, and life — through research-based advice. This book explains how meaningful relationships, a positive attitude, exercise, and even sleep patterns can make a difference. Portion control outlives all fad diets because it isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle.

Finally Full, Finally Slim: 30 Days to Permanent Weight Loss One Portion at a Time
- From the Publisher
January 1, 2013
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