
Final­ly Full, Final­ly Slim: 30 Days to Per­ma­nent Weight Loss One Por­tion at a Time

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Jews enjoy eat­ing! Sur­round­ed by ever-expand­ing food por­tions that we’ve been led to believe are nor­mal, no won­der it’s so easy to pack on the pounds. We eat over­size por­tions gain weight and try the lat­est fad diet which leaves us con­fused. In her book, Dr. Lisa Young sets Jew­ish dieters straight. She shows you how to per­ma­nent­ly shed pounds by right-siz­ing your por­tions, with­out elim­i­nat­ing entire food groups or star­ing at an emp­ty plate. She explains the impor­tance of a whole foods diet for health, and how clever mar­ket­ing claims may be secret­ly sab­o­tag­ing your weight-loss efforts. You’ll learn use­ful strate­gies for din­ing out, enjoy­ing sim­chas, and indulging in a favorite treat with­out tip­ping the scale. Because weight loss is about more than food, Dr. Young address­es the whole per­son — mind-set, envi­ron­ment, habits, and life — through research-based advice. This book explains how mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships, a pos­i­tive atti­tude, exer­cise, and even sleep pat­terns can make a dif­fer­ence. Por­tion con­trol out­lives all fad diets because it isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle.

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