
Find­ing Refuge: A Memoir

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Evoca­tive­ly writ­ten by a gift­ed sto­ry­teller, Find­ing Refuge is a com­pelling mem­oir of one wom­an’s coura­geous jour­ney to whole­ness. Psy­chother­a­pist Diana Kuper lays bare the sto­ry of an exu­ber­ant wide open girl who was hit by four trau­mas that changed the course of her life. Find­ing Refuge is a sto­ry of per­son­al and inter­gen­er­a­tional heal­ing and the forg­ing of a unique path of self-trans­for­ma­tion. The author’s rich inner world is deeply imbued with her Jew­ish­ness. Her Jew­ish essence is the lens through which she seeks to under­stand her life expe­ri­ence and the human con­di­tion. This grip­ping mem­oir holds the read­er from the first page to the last.

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