
For­get I Told You This

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Amy Black, a sin­gle moth­er and an aspir­ing artist in love with cal­lig­ra­phy, dreams of a cov­et­ed artist’s res­i­den­cy at the world’s largest social media com­pa­ny, Q. When a stranger asks Amy to tran­scribe a love let­ter for him, his dis­ap­pear­ance leads her straight to Q — with the chance to style her­self a 21st-cen­tu­ry sofer­et—and to a group of data pri­va­cy vig­i­lantes who want her to burn Q to the ground.

A very con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish nov­el about faith, free will and what it means to believe, For­get I Told You This asks us what it means to see and be seen in a world in which our every move is surveilled.

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