
Free­dom Does­n’t Grieve

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Bil­lions are dead in the wake of a pan­dem­ic era. A glob­al sen­tience tasks tele­path­ic envoys with over­see­ing a utopi­an world fed­er­a­tion. A bril­liant young neu­ro­sci­en­tist races to pre­vent the ful­fill­ment of an omi­nous prophe­cy. Things seem chal­leng­ing enough…until she dis­cov­ers the shock­ing mag­ni­tude of what she – and human­i­ty – are real­ly up against.

This ele­vat­ed sci-fi thriller is both a philo­soph­i­cal tour-de-force and an emo­tion­al wind­storm, which will change how you think about your­self and the world. With sec­u­lar spir­i­tu­al­ism increas­ing­ly on the rise, Free­dom Does­n’t Grieve explores a spec­u­la­tive future of reli­gion, as a para­ble on its Judeo-Chris­t­ian roots.

In this debut nov­el, Resnick, Israeli diplo­mat and schol­ar, grabs you at the out­set and does­n’t let go until it’s too late to regain what you thought you knew about your­self and human­i­ty’s feck­less attempts at chart­ing a sus­tain­able future. In a tabloid world increas­ing­ly toy­ing with the dual chal­lenges of nihilism and anni­hi­la­tion, and des­per­ate­ly in search of spir­i­tu­al and reli­gious mean­ing, Free­dom Does­n’t Grieve is a sober­ing breath of sanity.

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